“…not only become a mentor but a friend…”

If you’re a busy neurodivergent mum like me who is considering booking a call or working with Sam, I highly recommend you do so! I am so grateful to have stumbled across Samantha’s Tik tok one afternoon when I was feeling very overwhelmed, emotional and the realisation hit me that yes I really am a mum with adhd who like many others got missed at school.

I reached out to Sam and she has not only become a mentor but a friend (despite never meeting in real life) she now knows me more than most people. I really enjoying discussing such topics with Sam and her coaching strategies, its been really affirming and healing for me to really understand how and why my brain is the way it is and really nice to know there is never any judgement.

It’s clear that Samantha has extensive knowledge and information that she has research but also complete compassion and understanding, for us mums who are feeling “why doesn’t every other parent seem this overwhelmed and burnt out. This cannot be normal. Everyone else makes it look so easy”.

Samantha has really educated me in the process of working with her, on personal goals and it’s so easy connecting with Sam as she has the lived experience to fully understand how it feels. I believe she is the perfect niche that as said earlier many of us overwhelmed neurodivergent parents are missing. There tons of parenting mentors for our neurodivergent children (which I’m super grateful for btw) however what about us who slipped though the net, became adults and mothers who just need those tips and strategies that weren’t available to us growing up.

-Mollie Alice